Experimental Protocol
Experiments using human subjects should conform to the department IRB protocol.
The Stanford Department of Linguistics has a general human subjects protocol for doing linguistic experiments that involve no risk or personal information (beyond information that we use to select speakers). Faculty members listed on the protocol and students they are supervising can do experiments under this protocol as long as they follow the conditions of the protocol. If you plan to use the protocol, please download and read the protocol.
Read the Experimental Protocol
CITI certification
All people using this protocol must have current CITI certification, which requires successful completion of the CITI tutorial.
Before the experiment
Before you begin your experiments, fill out the form.
Fill out form to record starting an experiment
After the experiment
When you have completed your experiments, fill out the form linked below:
Fill out form to record experiment completion
Consent form
You must use the consent form. You do not need to get signed consent, but all subjects must read and agree to it. If you are doing experiments on computer, the consent form can be shown on the computer at the beginning of the experiment. If you are using Mechanical Turk for your project, use that consent form instead.
If you plan to advertise your experiments, you must use the flyer.
Consent forms
- Consent Form - English
- Consent Form - English (Online)
- Consent Form - English (Online) (No payment)
- Consent Form - Finnish
- Consent Form - Hebrew
- Consent Form - Hebrew (Online)
- Consent Form - Italian
- Consent Form - Japanese
- Consent Form - Russian
- Consent Form - Russian (Online)
- Consent Form - Spanish (Online)
- Consent Form - Spanish (Online) (No payment)
- Consent Form - Turkish
- Online Failed Attention Check
Funding forms for paying human subjects
- Human Subjects Pay Form (for subjects receiving under $200)
- Human Subjects Incentive Certification Form (for subjects receiving under $200)
Questions and contact
If you have questions, contact Professor sumner [at] stanford.edu (subject: Linguistics%20Experimental%20Protocol) (Meghan Sumner).