
A minor in Linguistics provides a solid background for work in any field in which communication is important.
It is particularly valuable for students interested in such disciplines as anthropology, communication, computer science, education (language, literacy, and culture), hearing and speech sciences, languages, law, philosophy, psychology, or in teaching English as a second language.
In order to complete the minor, you must complete at least 28 units of coursework in Linguistics and related fields, approved in advance by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). No more than two courses, neither of which is among the required courses, may be taken on a credit/no credit basis (CR/NC). No course may be taken for less than 3 units. The courses counting towards the minor must be units beyond those needed to satisfy your major course of study (students pursuing a minor cannot double-count courses for completing major and minor requirements).
Your plan should include:
- Linguistics 1
- One course each from two of the three areas below:
- Phonetics and Phonology: 105/205A, 110
- Morphology and Syntax: 116A, 121A, 121B
- Semantics and Pragmatics: 130A/230A, 130B
- Either 150 or 160 or, in advance consultation with the Linguistics undergraduate studies adviser, a course in historical linguistics or the history of a language
- At least four other courses determined in advance consultation with the Linguistics DUS. Students are encouraged to take at least one 200-level Linguistics course. Students may also choose to do independent work with a faculty member of their choice.
How to Declare a Minor
1. Complete the Minor Course Planning Guide for the Minor in Linguistics, and have it signed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
2. Declare your minor in Axess (note that you must declare a major prior to requesting to add a minor).
3. Submit the completed Minor Course Planning Guide to the Assistant Director of Student Services and have your picture taken for the Linguistics bulletin board (see Department Coordinator or submit your picture via email).