Look Who's Talking: XPrag edition

At Experimental Pragmatics 2015 in Chicago in June,

  • Noah Goodman will give an invited talk:  “The new pragmatics: probabilistic models and quantitative experiments”
  • Judith Degen and alums Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Judith Tonhause will give a talk on “Negated evaluative adjective sentences: What projects, and why?” (additional co-authors: David Beaver, Craige Roberts, and Mandy Simons)
  • Greg Scontras and Noah Goodman will give a talk on “The role of context in plural predication”
  • Prerna Nadathur and Daniel Lassiter will present a poster on “Unless as a restrictor of non-universal quantifiers”
  • Justine Kao, Judith Degen and Noah Goodman will present a poster on “When all means not all: nonliteral interpretations of universal quantifiers”
  • Chris Potts, Mike Frank, and alum Roger Levy will give a poster on "Pragmatic coordination on context via definite reference” (joint with Larry Muhlstein)