Donate to the Linguist List!

The 2021 Linguist List fund drive is now under way!

The Linguist List is a free service, hosted by the Department of Linguistics at Indiana University, used by linguists all over the world to share information about conferences, new publications, job and postdoc listings, and so much more.

Please consider contributing to the drive in any amount; every little bit helps!  These funds directly support the linguistics graduate students who curate Linguist List.  Further, by donating you can help Stanford take a leading spot in the University Challenge, which recognizes the school whose affiliates contribute the most to the drive.  At the time of publication, Stanford didn't even figure in the list of universities with contributors, yet until recently, Stanford was often one of the top contenders in this challenge. Let's see if we can regain that distinction!

You can find out more and make a contribution here.